Health and Safety Policy
Date Produced by Chairman/Committee: July 2016
Reviewed and Passed by Committee: 21 June 2017
Date of Next Review: June 2018
Tendring Twinning Association’s (TTA) Health and Safety Policy Document details its commitment to effective and successful health and safety management It contains a statement of intent together with organisation, details of the arrangements and monitoring systems for Health and Safety Management.
This policy relates to the TTA and will ensure compliance with requirements by establishing clearly defined roles and arrangements.
Policy Aim:
To be an association where everyone can undertake their roles and responsibilities, this includes the committee, members, volunteers and others who may be affected by our activities.
Policy Objectives:
· To conduct all our activities safely and in compliance with legislative standards
· To ensure a systematic approach to the identification of risks and the allocation of resources to control them
· To be an association that promotes a positive health and safety culture that is demonstrated by open communication and a shared commitment to the importance of health, safety and well-being
· To promote the principles of sensible risk management
Policy Statement:
The TTA recognises and accepts its responsibility as an organisation and will provide a safe and healthy environment for all events it organises
Good health and safety management will be an integral part of the way that the association operates and will be considered across all activities and events.
The TTA will ensure that we have access to competent technical advice on health and safety matters in meeting our objectives. We will do this by:
· Accessing the services of a competent Health and Safety Advisor
Tendring Twinning Association will:
· Promote health and safety training to ensure competence and awareness
· Develop and communicate information on sensible risk management
· Require all committee members, members and volunteers to exercise due care and attention and observe safe working methods
Tendring Twinning Association will adopt a planned risk-based approach to health and safety management based on the principles of sensible risk management. This will involve:
· Assessment of hazards and associated risks
· Identification and implementation of preventative and protective control measures against those risks to an acceptable/tolerable level
· Monitoring the effectiveness of those measures including enforcement of proper working practices
· Provision of information, instruction, training and protective equipment where and when required
· Review of risk assessments, policies, procedures and practices at regular intervals (every three years) and where additional information is gained through monitoring or following an incident
Linked to this policy statement are documents recording the organisational arrangements and procedures by which we will ensure that this policy is implemented.
Copies of this policy will be issued to all committee members and will also be available to members on our web site.
This Policy was approved by the Tendring Twinning Association Committee on 22nd June 2016. It will be reviewed on or before 22nd June 2019.
Health and Safety Risk Assessments
Risk Assessment is a legal requirement: our health and safety standards and generic assessments are prepared following an assessment of the likely risks in the area to which they relate and in general form the basis of most routine risk assessments. However, it is the responsibility of the committee to ensure that assessments are modified and extended to take account of circumstances. The TTA Committee will:
· Ensure risk assessments are carried out as an integral part of the planning of each individual organised event and implemented as part of the operational planning and delivery
· To identify hazards, initiate specific risk assessments and implement any necessary control measures
· Support accident and incident investigations, review reports, utilise information about any hazards
· Undertake monitoring and ensure the provision of adequate resources to achieve compliance
· Report all accidents, incidents and near miss events, undertake an investigation into the cause and take appropriate remedial action to prevent recurrence
· Ensure the association has access to competent health and safety advice
Volunteers/Committee Members will:
· Support the Association in embedding a positive safety culture that extends to all those involved in the Association’s activities
Fire risk assessments and emergency procedures
First Aid risk assessment and procedures
Risk assessments for each event organised by the TTA
Procedures for the reporting of and investigating of accidents, near miss incidents and assaults
Procedures for driving and use of transport
This Health and Safety Policy, together with the associated procedures will be reviewed by the committee on a three yearly basis, or as required.
In order to substantiate that health and safety standards are being achieved, the TTA will measure performance against pre-determined plans and objectives. Any areas where standards are not being met will require remedial action.
Active Monitoring Systems
The Association will use different types of systems to measure health and safety performance:
· Documents relating to the promotion of health and safety culture will be regularly examined and reviewed
· Will be an agenda item at committee meetings as and when appropriate
· Suitable inspections on premises will be undertaken before organised events
Reactive Monitoring Systems
· Identifying where health and safety standards are not being met, by monitoring for failures in the systems, such as accidents, damage to property etc.
Reporting and Response Systems
· ensuring that monitoring information is received, having regards to situations which create an immediate risk to health or safety as well as longer-term trends and ensuring remedial action is taken
Investigation Systems
· prioritising investigation of incidents which indicate the greatest risk and the identification of both the immediate and underlying causes of events
· where accidents/incidents and assaults with the potential to cause injury, ill-health or loss are to be reported and appropriately investigated.
Agreed by Tendring Twinning Association
Signature Date
Role in Association