Safeguarding Policy and Procedure
Date Produced by Chairman/Committee: November 2016
Date of Next Review: November 2019
- Introduction
This Tendring Twinning Association (TTA) Safeguarding Policy and Procedure follows guidelines set out in Essex Council County (ECC) Safeguarding Policy, December 2014.
The TTA is committed to supporting the right of adults at risk to be protected from abuse and to making sure that all members of the committee and volunteers work together in line with the ECC Safeguarding Policy, and act promptly when dealing with allegations or suspicions of abuse.
We consider that safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone and will work together to prevent and minimise abuse. If we have concerns that someone is being abused doing nothing is not an option. We will do something about it and ensure our work is properly recorded. We will work within the boundaries of the ECC Safeguarding Policy.
- What is a vulnerable person?
The definition of a vulnerable adult is a person over the age of 18 years who:
- Is or may be in need of / eligible for Community Care Services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness
- AND is unable to take care of him/herself
- OR is unable to protect him/herself from significant harm or exploitation
- A vulnerable person may fall into any one of the following groups: older and frail people; people with a mental health need, a learning difficulty, a physical impairment, a sensory impairment; people who are substance or alcohol dependent; or family carers who are providing assistance to another vulnerable adults.
- Abuse: is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person(s) or group of people. Abuse may be single or repeated acts. It can be:
- Physical: for example, hitting, slapping, burning, pushing, restraining or giving the wrong medication.
- Physical and emotional: for example shouting, swearing, frightening, blaming, ignoring or humiliating a person, threats of harm or abandonment, intimidation, verbal abuse.
- Financial: including the illegal or unauthorised use of a person’s property, money, pension book or other valuables pressure in connection with wills, property or inheritance.
- Sexual: such as forcing a person to take part in any sexual activity without his or her informed consent – this can occur in any relationship.
- Discriminatory: including racist or sexist remarks or comments based on a person’s disability, age or illness, and other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment.
- Modern slavery: this encompasses slavery, human trafficking, and forced labour and domestic servitude.
3 The Procedure in Detail
Under the Care Act the ECC must establish a Safeguarding Board.
The Essex Adult Safeguarding Board works with the Safeguarding Team to ensure the policies, procedures and training are in place for Inter-agency working to safeguard adults.
3.1 If you think abuse has or may have occurred act immediately.
3.1.1 Deal with the immediate needs of the person. This may mean taking reasonable steps to ensure the adult is in no immediate danger and seeking medical treatment if required as a matter of urgency.
3.1.2 Do not discuss the allegation of abuse with the alleged perpetrator.
3.1.3 Do not destroy or disturb articles or evidence.
3.1.4 Be discreet and treat all information as confidential; do not discuss the situation with other parties
3.1.5 Do not promise the vulnerable adult that you will keep anything they tell you a secret.
3.2 Inform the TTA Chairman who will act on the implicated allegation. If this is not possible, then the Vice-Chairman should be informed. If it is considered that a crime has been committed, then the police should be informed.
3.2.1 Record details of the allegation as soon as possible and keep it somewhere secure. Include:
- The allegation or concerns, including the date and time of the incident, what the vulnerable adult said about the abuse and how it occurred or what has been reported to you.
- The appearance and behaviour of the victim.
- Any injuries observed
4.Obligatory Courses of Action
The Chairman or their Representative must decide on the most appropriate course of action once the allegation or suspicion has been raised.
4.1 If the decision is to refer the allegation or suspicion to the appropriate services, the Essex Safeguarding Board is: XXXXX XXXXX. They then put us in contact with the person dealing with the case. If an urgent referral needs to be made out of hours the number is XXXXX XXXXX
The person making the referral should ideally have the following information available; however, the lack of any of this information should not delay the referral:
- The name of the vulnerable adult
- Date of birth and age
- Address and telephone number
- Why the adult is considered vulnerable.
- Whether consent has been gained for the referral, if not the reasons: eg the vulnerable adult lacks mental capacity or there is an over-riding public interest: eg where other vulnerable adults are at risk.
- Whether there are any concerns or doubts about the mental capacity of the vulnerable adult.
- Whether the police are aware of the allegation, and whether a police investigation is underway.
Agreed by Tendring Twinning Association Executive Committee |
Signature Joy Phillips Date November 2016
Role in Association Chair |